Saturday, February 27, 2010

Thing #2b - Wordle

Wordle is a fun way to graphically display a group of words. I've used it with elementary students to supplement reports on animals (where they write the name of their animal several times to make it the biggest word on the wordle and then type in words to describe all its characteristics). Another possible academic use of Wordle is to identify main ideas or recurring themes in a short story by copying and pasting the text of the story into a Wordle and seeing which words are the biggest (i.e. repeated most often in the text). Students enjoy the opportunity to use their artistic talents to modify the layouts and color schemes. I just wish we had color printers to publish their final products!

Here's a Wordle I made of the text to Green Eggs and Ham (there are only 50 unique words in the whole book!)

Wordle: Green Eggs and Ham

1 comment:

  1. Would it be possible to include a sample here?
    Posting online would help with the lack of color printers problem, don't you think?
