Friday, March 19, 2010

Thing #9 - Slideshare

I can see lots of advantages to using SlideShare or any of its comparables like authorSTREAM. From the teacher's/librarian's point of view, it is a wonderful tool for searching the web for presentation resources (why re-invent the wheel when someone else has already created it!). There are numerous pre-made PowerPoints out there on all kinds of educational topics. For example, I found a cool presentation on a St. Patrick's Day Quiz as embedded below. SlideShare is also a great way to share the products that you have created with other teachers. By downloading your work to SlideShare, students who were not able to be present during your classroom presentation can nevertheless access the material and stay up to date. SlideShare is also a safe parking place for your work in the event your hard drive crashes or you otherwise lose your saved presentation files. Students can use SlideShare to create a web-based portfolio of their own work. And best of all, it's all free!!

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